Love is the most powerful force in the world. It causes us to do things others consider insane. It gives us an uncanny sense toward those we Love. It is the wind beneath our wings, and the fuel that pushes us ahead.
We know Love exists, and have associated it in the form of butterflies in our stomach with that
special someone, and goosebumps and a powerful bubbling of emotions. But what if it is even more than that?
You see, Love Heals. Plain and simply. And I am talking about Love in its most simplest form. Here, a child is at the park and repeats "Watch me, look at me, look what I can do" And when your eyes are on him/her there is Love. Love in its simplest form is being fully and beautifully present.
There is Power in the NOW. Jim Carrey, spoke about it in the speech he gave. That all we will ever have is Here and Now. In our society we get so caught up in the next meeting meeting, next week, month year etc. And while Life lies in the delicate balance of pushing forward toward our Goals, Dreams and Desires while operating and living fully in the Present Moment.
Love Heals. There was a story of a Mother who held her stillborn baby on her warm chest and just loved on that baby. And guess what? That baby came back to life. Love surpasses all understanding, physics, mathematical equations and scientific studies. There is no way to reduce and put this powerful force into an equation. Just embrace the power. I will be speaking more on this amazing phenomenon. Because I have learned in working with 100's of clients that the most profound healing and results I have seen did not come from some amazing herb. While we utilize the tools, the results that transcend the confinements have time have been through Love.
When we Forgive (others and ourselves most importantly), and return to Love, especially Self-Love healing occurs. Our body's are working FOR us not against us. Even in the state of dis-ease, it is still making the best attempts to give us Life. We must Love ourselves back to Health. We must Love ourselves back to Life. The progressive Doctors are now understanding, that telling their patients to raise their T-Cells and boost your Thyroid hormones does not work. But when we as practitioners and fellow human beings tell each other to Love Ourself those all balance.
Why? Because Love Heals. I know you re probably wondering, "Well how int he world do I do that?" "I think I already do....". I will guide you through Loving yourself past the invisible barrier separating the conscious and subconscious, and that is where all the difference is made.